Vancouver and NYC Memorial Services

Hello all.

I’m still here.

Falling into a quieter routine. A routine! One that I will update you on shortly.

For now though,  just a quick mention of two events that have been scheduled.

First, there will be a service held for Naomi in Vancouver on Sunday, March 30th at 2pm at the Buddhist Temple located at 220 Jackson Avenue (near downtown).

And second, for those in and around New York, there will be a memorial service celebrating Naomi’s life and work on April 11, 2013 from 4-6PM at the Department of Media, Culture and Communication at NYU — 239 Greene Street. 8th floor.

For anyone who cannot attend either, but would like to do something special to honour Naomi’s memory, please consider one (or both) of the following:

1. A fund has been created in Naomi’s name at the Nanny Angel Network — an organization that provides free, professional relief childcare for mothers with cancer. Donate online or call 416.730.0025.

2. Write down or audio/video record a special memory of/story about Naomi and share it with her son, Nate.  This will make for such a precious gift to him in the years to come.  You can send your stories and remembrances to Jamie Berthe (jb2621 [at], Kari Hensley (kari.hensley [at], and/or directly to me, Naomi’s husband, Mitchell Praw (mitchell.praw [at]

So many thanks.


About eastofparliament

Morning enthusiast. Food believer. Father and husband and person and stuff. Lives just east of Parliament.
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5 Responses to Vancouver and NYC Memorial Services

  1. Linda says:

    Sending love.

  2. Thinking of both of you. Love Arlene

  3. Andrea Trozzo says:

    Thinking of you during this time. I miss Naomi very much and I am sending a hug and kiss to little Nate. You’ll always be in my thoughts and prayers. I have a picture of beautiful Naomi at my desk that I put up and look at her often. We met at princess margaret hospital, we were connected through our nurse Shelley Westergard. I was so honoured to have known her, even for a short little while and because of her, I will fight harder to stay healthy and happy – I am a breast cancer survivor. Sending light and love your way,
    Andrea Trozzo

  4. Andrea Trozzo says:

    L’shana tovah to you and your family Mich.

  5. Michele Romaine says:

    Hi Mitchell, I don’t know if you are going to read this or not, but i want to share with you how wonderful Naomi was.
    I just found out that she passed away by coming across this blog. I was really sad to hear about her passing, as she was such a wonderful and genuine human being. I met her at langara college and I was often in awe of how honest she was with her experiences and how she shared intimate details of hey life. This trait allowed her to connect with almost anyone.
    After I read her blog, I cried a bit because of how her life ended. Upon further reflection I realize that she left a real gift to people who either know someone with cancer or have cancer themselves. She explained her journey so elegantly, that it will definitely make an impact on people’s lives. I’m just so glad that I had the honour to meet her and call her my friend.

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